Sunday 17 February 2008

its all about the tap roots and earth womb energy

with all the sense of the world, it goes forward. rather, it spins. ...a little off centre.

...or so they would have you believe.

im here to set you straight. im not wyatt earp, i aint the law. ...but im all youve got.

its a miracle any of us make it through the day at all. we fumble about our daily routines looking for a niche, but half of us dont ever establish it. be yourself, relax, get a little reckless.



everywhere you go, death is around the corner. the present doesnt matter. people are too preoccupied with the past and the future. the present has never mattered. experience. actions. consequences. in my opinion, the present is the most important period of time. the present is consciousness. the present is alive. the present determines both the future and the past. foresight is not unachievable, hindsight will always be tarnished gold, and strategy...

...well, thats another story.

in a curious twist of fate, youre left standing, listening to each wave beat against the shore, absorbing the all too familiar sucking sound of a yet another defeated swell that seems so harmonious within the scope your life.

...better you than me, fucker.

- Cherry_Pop

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