Tuesday 13 May 2008

‘Banned Advert - South Africa, Soweto’

Banned? Free speech is dead.

This is a quality ad. Watch it.

c'mon oaks

you know, I thought I'd hang low for a while, so I could scout out the lay of this blogs land (in reality I cant afford internet)

So today when going through the blog I was initially greeted by a Twingy article written by what appeared to be a spam bot - I was less than impressed hey. like nu uh. no way.
c'mon oaks.

eventually i realized it was a moderated blog and so someone in that list of names on the right must have spewed it out. Maybe its my fault. I came expecting deep prose and thought provoking questions and instead got a cheap corner trick. Luckily for the author, with all this anonomitynessnes through pseudonicknameses they shall remain anonymous. (not really)

So next was a Bay Watch clip. Instant redemption. Nice one.

and I shall testify to jimi's MC Hammer sighting. A life changing moment.

Nice articles peepz, with my limited net connection here in the deep cape (eastern) I'll do my bestest to holla at da cherry court peepz... There are many a glimmering shim sham story from home to tell of, filled with intrigue and danger, littered with daring escapes, mysterious lands and amazing pyrotechnically-huge gun battles. sort of.

until next time.
one love.

-Can someone help me to link this to something. Or from something. or something. I think.